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Cold-Weather Installation Guide

Working with Low-Slope Roofing Materials When Temperatures Dip

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Resources / Cold-Weather Installation Guide

Revised November 2023

Cold weather brings changes in how low-slope roofing materials must be stored, installed and applied. Here are useful guidelines and tips using MuleHide membranes and adhesives when temperatures dip to 40 F and lower.

Why Temperature Matters

In general, roofing products become stiffer and more difficult to work with as temperatures decrease. Installing or applying products when the ambient temperature is too low, or when the material is too cold, can result in significant performance issues – and even failure.

  • Membranes take longer to relax and are more difficult to install.
  • Modified bitumen membranes may develop cracks.
  • Self-adhering Modified Bitumen (SAMB) membranes may not adhere properly.
  • If water-based adhesives freeze, they will not perform properly and must be disposed of.
  • Solvent-based adhesives and sealants may separate. They also will take longer to dry. Condensation may form, preventing the surfaces from mating.

The Cold-Weather Installation Guide was last updated November 2023. Any information provided is subject to change without notice. Please refer to this online guide for the latest information.