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Cold-Weather Installation Guide

Working with Low-Slope Roofing Materials When Temperatures Dip

Cold-Weather Installation Guide hero

Applying Water-based Adhesives in Cold Weather

Includes Acrylic Water Base Bonding Adhesive, Aqua Base 120 Bonding Adhesive, and HydroBond™ Water-Based PVC Bonding Adhesive.

Temperature Tipping Points

Do not use water-based adhesives if the ambient temperature is expected to drop below freezing (32 F) within 72 hours of application.

Storage Temperature:

  • Adhesives should be stored in the original, unopened container in a warm environment so they are between 60 F and 90 F prior to application.
  • Do not store adhesives at temperatures lower than 40 F.

Ambient Temperature During Application:

  • Acrylic Water Base Bonding Adhesive: The ambient temperature must be 45 F or higher at the time of application.
  • Aqua Base 120 Bonding Adhesive: The ambient temperature should be 40 F and rising at the time of application.
  • HydroBond Water-Based PVC Bonding Adhesive: The ambient temperature must be 40 F and rising at the time of application.

Guidelines and Best Practices

The adhesive must not be allowed to freeze during storage or application. If the adhesive freezes, it must be disposed of.

Freeze warnings also apply while water-based adhesives cure. If the ambient temperature drops below freezing (32 F) within 72 hours of application, adhesion will be compromised and the membrane may need to be removed and replaced.

It may take 24 hours or longer for cold product to be warmed to the proper temperature.

Note: The above are general guidelines. Please consult the relevant Product Data Sheet (PDS) for additional information.

The Cold-Weather Installation Guide was last updated November 2023. Any information provided is subject to change without notice. Please refer to this online guide for the latest information.